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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
AIDS, volcano warning from Health Minister
Monday, December 6, 2010
The official number of AIDS cases is about 20,000, though some medical experts say it is probably about four times higher than this. To date it has mainly been a disease for drug users, aged between 25 – 35. They make up about 80% of the cases. However the news from the hospitals is that in recent years there has been about a 5% increase in the number of people contracting the disease because of sex. And this has led the Health Minister, Marzieh Vahid Dastjerdi, to issue a warning that there could be an ‘AIDS Volcano’ in the future with the number of cases increasing to five times the present number. She was particularly keen the younger generation heeded her warning, and to ‘follow moral principles.’ Her comments lead further credence to the impression many have that sexual immorality is on the increase, especially among young people.
Down the centuries the church has always stood out for its clean standards in this area of life, always insisting that the only joyful place for sex is between one husband and one wife. It is important that the church in Iran speaks out forcefully on this issue to save people from the misery that always follows those who allow the passions of the flesh to lethally poison their souls.
Pray for
Church to speak out clearly on sex issues
Young people to be reached, to choose Christ over sensual pleasure
Wisdom for government and hospitals dealing with AIDS
The official number of AIDS cases is about 20,000, though some medical experts
say it is probably about four times higher than this. To date it has mainly been
a disease for drug users, aged between 25 – 35. They make up about 80% of
the cases. However the news from the hospitals is that in recent years there
has been about a 5% increase in the number of people contracting the disease
because of sex. And this has led the Health Minister, Marzieh Vahid Dastjerdi,
to issue a warning that there could be an ‘AIDS Volcano’ in the future with
the number of cases increasing to five times the present number. She was
particularly keen the younger generation heeded her warning, and to ‘follow
moral principles.’ Her comments lead further credence to the impression many
have that sexual immorality is on the increase, especially among young people.
Down the centuries the church has always stood out for its clean standards in
this area of life, always insisting that the only joyful place for sex is between one
husband and one wife. It is important that the church in Iran speaks out forcefully
on this issue to save people from the misery that always follows those who allow
the passions of the flesh to lethally poison their souls.
Pray for
Church to speak out clearly on sex issues
Young people to be reached, to choose Christ over sensual pleasure
Wisdom for government and hospitals dealing with AIDS
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