Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Reaching Iran
Beautiful fruit from summer sports ministry
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
We are delighted to report that through summer sports tournaments in the Iran region, more than 1,000 people (young players and their accompanying family members) tasted the love and welcome of the Lord. Wonderfully, some have confessed faith in Christ as a result.
There are 22 "Rock Academy" soccer (football) teams in the Iran region, which meet regularly to serve refugee kids and youth. All these academies are rooted in local Persian-speaking churches. Summer tournaments allow these dispersed teams to come together for fun, food, and competition.
"Can we do more of this?" one young Arabic-speaking refugee asked the leaders at one tournament. "This was great. We felt loved and we felt welcomed." This sentiment was shared by many.
At each tournament, a message from John 3:16 was shared with the players and their families. Some of the Christian coaches were deeply encouraged to then receive invitations to visit the homes of families, who were moved by how faithfully the Rock Academy team serves their kids. The coaches are praying they can share more of the love of God as relationships deepen.
We are so grateful for your prayers for these tournaments over the past month. Please continue to pray for:
Those who have confessed faith to be filled with joy as they follow Jesus, and for faithfulness for those discipling them in local churches
Increasing opportunities for coaches to share about Jesus with players and their families, and for God to soften hearts
The Rock Academies to continue to have the people and resources needed to serve these young people throughout the year
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