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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Reaching Iran
Bible (sort of) blockbusters, made in Iran
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Iran is investing money and talent in making major films about the Bible. In 2007 a massive six-hour TV film was made about the life of Mary the mother of Jesus, starting with her birth. A shorter version was released for the cinema. It received very good reviews. Then in 2008 the film ‘Masih’ (Messiah) about Jesus was made with a cast of over 1,000. It has been dubbed into many languages, and has been broadcast as a TV series. It too was received well. The film followed the life of Jesus as in the Gospels – until the end. As the Qur’an claims, it is Judas who suffers on the cross, while God’s prophet, not Son, is rescued. Another Bible blockbuster is ‘The Kingdom of Solomon’ which follows Solomon as he battles man and demons to show the world there is one God. The film has already won numerous awards in Iran. While Christians are quick to point out that these films are not really Biblical, they can also see their positive aspects: the films confirm the popularity of Jesus; they fill in background; and they almost certainly motivate people even more to get their hands on the original story, the Bible.
Pray for
•Bible films to increase demand for Bibles
•Mistakes in films not to cement in people’s minds
•More Bible films made by Christians to reach Iran
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