Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Suffering But Growing Church
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church: 6 November
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Each November, on the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, the global Church unites to pray for Christians who are enduring persecution. This year, Christians will be interceding on Sunday, November 6th.
Christians suffer persecution or discrimination in countless places around the world, as do other religious minority groups. In some places Christians are targeted with violence from hostile non-state assailants, such as in Nigeria. In others, Christians face discrimination and persecution directly from the government, such as in Iran.
Whatever the driving force of persecution, our brothers and sisters are deeply encouraged when the global church prays for, and speaks out for them.
You can use the following prayer points to join in prayer this Sunday:
Pray for comfort and God’s strength for those suffering because of their faith, whether they are imprisoned, in exile, grieving loved ones, living in fear of attack, or struggling economically or socially.
Pray for those who are the perpetrators of persecution. Pray for them to repent, turn to Jesus and to become voices that speak for justice, including for freedom of religion.
Give thanks that God is at work today, strengthening the hearts of Christians around the world who face injustice because of their faith.
Would you pray specifically for some Christians who are imprisoned in Iran for their faith? Use November’s ‘Persecuted but Not Forsaken’ resource to pray for three incarcerated brothers and to thank God for the recent release of two prisoners.
If you want to learn more about persecution around the world, Open Doors’ World Watch List is a helpful starting point.
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