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Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Pray in a more informed way for the Church in Iran and for Iranian believers.
Influential Institutions
QUESTION: How to pray for Iran?
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Dear friends,
Many have asked me how they should pray for Iran given the current political situation.
I have just returned from a conference on prayer in the Iran region with more than 150 of our leaders. We looked together at the Lord’s Prayer and I was struck afresh by the significance of the line: 'Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.'
Elam was founded with the conviction that whoever sits on earthly thrones, Jesus reigns from His heavenly throne. Our name, Elam, is taken from Jeremiah 49:38 where God says, “I will set my throne in Elam.” (Elam was a key province in the Persian empire).
So our name is a statement of faith that the Lord will keep his promise and have his way in Iran. It is a prayer that his Kingdom will indeed come to Iran.
That is why whatever the political circumstances, our mission remains the same: to strengthen and expand the church in the Iran region and beyond.
“Lord, help us share the Good News with more people”
Over the last few weeks I’ve been spending much time with Christians from Iran. I’ve been with house church leaders and with pastors serving thousands of refugees. Their prayer remains the same: “Lord, help us share the Good News with more people.”
The openness to the Gospel is greater than ever; it's wonderful to hear the stories of salvation. Broken people are being made whole in Christ. Ordinary people are seeing great miracles pointing people to the living God. Men, women, young and old are being set free as they meet Jesus in the New Testament.
One believer said to me, “When I had the opportunity to read the Bible, I found true hope. We pray we can share the Good News with more Iranians desperate for hope."
May I ask you to join our brothers and sisters in Iran in this prayer?
Also pray that, whatever the political maneuverings, God's Kingdom will come to Iran, that His will will be done, and that His church will continue to grow.
Grace and peace,
David Yeghnazar
Executive Director
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